Empire Records is one of my favorite movies. It has an awesome soundtrack of 90s alternative music that you don't really hear that often anymore, and by the end of the movie, you wish you had a place like these kids have to go. They all work in a record store(another thing you never see anymore sadly) and its just about one day of work and all the support they have for each other, but also what situations cause that support to stop temporarily. Another thing I love is the way they all dress exactly how they want, something I think we have lost in the past decade. If Corey (played by Liv Tyler) wants to wear a plaid mini skirt and combat boots, she's going to wear a plaid mini skirt and combat boots! That's why over the next few posts you'll see not exact replicas of what they all wore that day, but things very similar and what you can buy today. So, if you see an item or style you like, by all means, go out and buy it! We need more people thinking outside the box and finding inspiration to make up for the hollister and american eagle and abercrombie robots we have running around on this earth.

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